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Larkspur Fire Protection District
Fire Protection
LFPD has Firefighter/EMTs on duty at all times. Paid staff is augmented with around 35 trained and certified volunteer firefighters.
Fire Auxiliary
The Larkspur Volunteer Fire Auxiliary supports the department through fund raising efforts, educational programs and participation in community activities. Learn more at www.larkspuraux.org.
or on Facebook.
You know the saying: "an ounce of prevention . . ." We're ready, 24/7 to respond to your emergency, but we'd prefer to prevent them. From wildfire mitigation property reviews to new business inspections, we're here to help.
Larkspur began as a volunteer fire department and volunteers are still critical to our success today. See if you have what it takes here and consider joining us. All requirements are listed on our application and include: you must be at least 18; have a valid Colorado drivers' license and have a high school diploma or GED.
We operate an Advanced Life Support ambulance transport service. Our fleet consists of 3 ambulances; two located at Station 161 in the Town of Larkspur and one located at Station 162 in Perry Park.
The Larkspur Fire Protection District covers 110 square miles in Douglas County, Colorado. We have three stations to provide fire and emergency medical services to our residents and travelers. We also maintain aid agreements with neighboring departments so that additional personnel and equipment can be brought in when needed.