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Special Event Permits

Planning An Event?

Are you planning a special event for the public? If so, we may be able to help. Please review the application for a special events permit, below, and complete it if it applies to your event. Application in Word or PDF.


If you have questions, email the Fire Marshal, Jeff Hahn.


To comply with a Special Events Permit, plans in each category (where required by Fire Marshal) must be completed with all agencies and parties involved agreeing with the plan.  Additionally, all personnel working with and for the special event must be trained or familiarized (depending on their position) with the entire special event Emergency Plans.


Failure to comply with the requirements of the Special Events Permit without written permission of the grantor of the permit will result in a Red Tag/Stop Order being issued and the Special Event or operation within the special event will end until compliance is reached.  This may include the shut down and evacuation of the entire event site at the discretion of either the Larkspur Fire Protection District, Douglas County Sheriff’s Department, or Douglas County OEM.


Event Permit Application

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